Busy. Too much to do.
I feel certain that I can blame Claris for this.
- Cosmic Bob
Little Willow : Mmm-hm, "cool book". That's your story. I say you've been corrupted. Probably by Claris.
- Leather Jacket
As for thinking people with computers would know better. You're right. They should. But they don't. I blame Claris.
Cosmic Bob : Hey! How'd I get blamed? I'm in no way responsible for your workload, dude
unless you were working on your assignment, or pissing away time reading NoDignity.com. Then
I am only peripherally to blame, and I can only say you should have done your assignment early,
like RTBS & Adri & several others. Xanderella & Seska would be in that group, but they've cheated.
Huh? Wha? Did we switch off of "Mock Narrator Day" & I didn't get a memo?
- Claris
Claris : We mock Narrator. We blame you. See the difference?
- Leather Jacket
It's blame Claris day?
woo hoo! time to go out and have LOTS of fun. That way I can blame any consequences on Claris!
I am in so. much. trouble. now
- DarkLady
DarkLady : *evil eye*
I'm having the urge to call up & sing Disney songs to your voicemail again...and just think!
I have my headset for my phone with me today, & it's a half hour drive along the 5N to the 101N.....
- Claris
Claris I'm working on my assignment. I suppose you are giving extra credit to those asskissers people
that sent it in early *cough*RTBS, Adri*cough*
- paksenarrion
About time someone made it official: It's all Claris' Fault. Let's Blame Claris.
- Narrator
I might've bloody know it was Claris' fault.

- Amish Boy
I blame Claris for the fact that I must mock Narrator.
- Mr. Whyt
Paks You callin' me an ass kisser? I'll have you know that I got my assignment in not out of desire
to be first or to curry favor with Claris, but rather to avoid her vengeful wrathful anger. So, in
all actuality, one could blame Claris for my punctuality. But *I* certainly wouldn't. I don't want
to risk that vengeful, wrathful anger. Because you know that part in Star Wars where Han Solo tells
Princess Leia she's beautiful when she's angry? Now I'm not saying that Claris isn't beautiful when
she's angry... but some people would also say that the glow of an atomic fireball is beautiful. All
without knowing it's full power for destruction. For example, if Claris were mad at me, I'd likely
only get to the "B" in "You know you're beautiful when you're angry?" before seeing my severed tongue
waved in front of me like some bizarre party favor.
What was my point again? Ah yes. I am not an ass kisser.
Well, it's Claris' fault that I must *BAP* Mr. Whyt.
RTBS, Cosmic Bob -- It's all Claris' fault that Aly was not more ... disclosed in
"American Wedding."
- Narrator
Have been hit with the sudden realisation that I have ONE day left to finish my preparation
and reading, wrap up my campaigning work and pack for my weekend away. Then I go somewhere else
for the weekend, after which it's straight back to... *nervousfidget*... work. I mean, I haven't
worked in about three months. How will I remember stuff - like how to sit at a desk and open doors?
Obviously, I blame Claris for this.
Edited to add
paks Some of us didn't, um, get as far with our assignments as we could have done had we applied
ourselves. Must try harder.
- Seska
Duh. Obviously Claris is to blame for the lack of Aly-ass.
- Cosmic Bob
I just want to share an e-mail I recieved a minute or two ago...
I LIKE "Blame Claris Days" at the Camp. It's real fun and schtuff!
- Anya
I hate each & every one of you right now. I really, really do.
- Claris
I hate each & every one of you right now. I really, really do.
Start a list.
- Narrator
Yet Anya isn't posting her glee at the Camp. I blame you for that too. Yes I do!
- Cosmic Bob
I'm way behind on my dissertation. I blame Claris... She knows why
- Jipsy Girl
No new "Buffy" this fall!!! I blame Claris. I also blame her for the really sucky parts of Season 6
and 7.
- Narrator
And all of season 4.
NarrAtor: She was behind the plot to steal Xander and his speedos too, I'll bet.
- Rachie
Hmm... I have no vodka...
I blame That's right! Claris
- Jipsy Girl
Jipsy Girl I have no vodka either.
It's a conspiracy.
Claris is the source.
- Seska
Claris is the sauce.
- Rachie
Narrator : WRONG!
'Cause there just isn't enough mocking of Narrator going on today.
RTBS : I thought you were indestructible.
Or possibly indestructable.
Claris : You know, I'm betting Anya could have posted that here ...of course, that would
require her to actually post.
Narrator2 : If seasons 4, 6 and 7 of Buffy were so sucky, shouldn't we thank
Claris for there not being a season 8?
If Claris is the sauce, who's the noodles?
- Leather Jacket
Leather Jacket -- No, Season 8 would have been "Return to Greatness." So, not having it was
totally Claris' fault. And of course, if there had been a Season 8 and it sucked, it would
have been her fault, too.
- Narrator
To my Blame-placers:
Guess what I found yesterday? There's a program up at UCLA that I can go to & learn fencing for
$15/mo. They provide the equipment & everything, which means that at the beginning of Sept., I'm
going to start learning a new weapon.
Swordplay! Isn't that great?
- Claris
I took a fencing class in college. Much fun. It was only offered one semester though.
I blame Claris.
- Narrator
Claris So does that mean instead of ripping RTBS's tongue out by the roots you will slice
it off with your rapier? Cool, can I watch.
RTBS I fear not the wrath of Claris, since she is non-existent.
Ooops, Narrator is the one that is non-existent. also WRONG! and not Claris
Shit, I am in trouble now.
- paksenarrion
Claris You and your fencing class don't scare me. I myself am about to sign up for, um, pilates...
They had no yoga class. I blame you for this.
- Seska
I would reply to every one but RTBS' post had me laughing so hard the tears are running down my
face, so I can't see anything else now.
I blame Claris
Does the movement have a theme song? "Blame Clar-is, Blame Clar-is..." ?
doomed as doomed can be.
- DarkLady
Claris Two words baby, self-cocking crossbow. (or is that three?) You know we love you
(under pain of death!)
Paks Pshaw! I'm an expert at fencing, so Claris can Bring. It. On. Let's see... I've strung
barbed-wire, put up chain link, cedar... oh yeah... I even put up a car-siding fence once.
Leather Jacket Unfortunately, people equate being nigh-invulnerable with being indestructable.
When clearly, as in the case of Superman vs. Doomsday, that's mistake. It's a common misconception
though, so I don't blame you. I blame... Claris!
So I've been off work the last two days with a really shocking cold. I'll not be in tomorrow either.
Friday I'm supposed to be going out for a meal with my family for my birthday. I can't taste
anything though.
This is clearly Claris' fault.
- Amish Boy
I blame and mock Claris. At the same time. Because I'm good at multitasking that way ;)
paksie: Bad daughterlet! *bap* I saw your slur against me I am an asskicker not asskisser ;)
Narrator: Just to prove how much I can multi-task, I don't see any reason why we canna mock you and
Claris at the same time *g*
- Adri
My avatar is not Xander in a Speedo. Wet.. Like Rachie said, it is all the fault of Claris.
paks -- Just say "no" to mult-tasking.
- Narrator
Leather Jacket: You're very right, I could have posted. But then, I'd have to be someone interesting
or at least, semi-intelligent... or at the very least words fractionally worth reading.
And clearly, as Claris has demonstrated... I really ain't got any of that.
Or, y'know, I could have terminal lurker tendencies. I blame Claris either way.
- Anya
I'm not ready for NYC... I certainly blame Claris!
Hey white wings? Are ypu ready for your trip? Or is Claris keeping you from packing??
- newfan
My package from Amazon shipped today from Oregon.
And I will know who to blame Claris if it goes halfway back East before arriving at my doorstep.
RTBS Well if I ever need a barb wire fence put up, I will be sure to call upon you.
Hey, my Mom didn't raise any fools-let some other poor smuck put up a barb wire fence. That stuff can put your eye out
if you are not careful.
Adri Kisser, kicker-just two little letters and really, aren't they the same in the long run?
No rain to speak of...it is all Claris' fault. After all, she must be doing something to prevent Sarah, Weather
Gurlie Extraordinaire from doing her job.
- paksenarrion
Claris my voice mail is oddly empty. What're you, getting soft? Or is this too much revenge to plot for one
woman and her evil dog?
- DarkLady
newfan - You have e. No, I'm not packed. Clearly it is the fault of the evil Claris.
- white wings
newfan : But the fact that I don't have your e yet is clearly because we haven't mocked Narrator enough. I blame Claris.
Quote (Anya @ Aug. 20 2003,19:54)
Leather Jacket: You're very right, I could have posted. But then, I'd have to be someone interesting or at least,
semi-intelligent... or at the very least words fractionally worth reading.
Nah. I post here.
Claris : If anyone here dies from a sword-hole, or -- you know -- a fence hole, you know who they're going to blame, right?
- Leather Jacket
Whoah. I work across from Wolfram & Hart and didn't even realize it. Clearly, Claris had something to do with it.
- Demoriel
Where did Claris go? I know she's not backing down from all this teasing. If there's anyone who can dish it out and take it,
it's Claris. Though to be truthfull, she usually takes whatever's thrown at her and dishes back a big ol' casserole of doom,
hold the mercy, that makes anything served her way look like a small order of fries from McDonald's that sat out overnight.
Limp and pathetic.
DarkLady Funny you should mention a theme song for 'Blame Claris' day. I've been working on a B-track for my new
upcoming album. What do you think so far?
Narrator lost her avatar of Speedo Xander Harris,
Blame Claris! Blame Claris!
The French they mock us from their snooty homes in Paris,
Blame Claris! Blame Claris!
I lost 3 1/2 hours of my life when I rented George Clooney's Solaris,
And 2 more at his film about Chuck Barris,
Blame Claris! Blame Claris!
It may seem like a game, but who else can we blame?
We just hope her vengeance she will spare us,
She's our mighty mistress Claris,
Blame Claris!
I can't decide though if I want to set this to a rap beat and maybe do it as a duet with Coolio or if I want to see if
Anne Murray (a fellow Canadian) wants to help me "country' it up.
- William Shatner, guest "poster"
Anya: Ain't a damn thing wrong with a good luck, is what I say. Well, would say if I were in any way wordy.
I'd blame Claris for that, but "blame Claris day ended a while ago by my clock. Also, she's arming herself so I have
some fear.
- Terwilliger
I'm not 100% sure why, but this morning I woke up with a huge hangover to the strains of YMCA blaring from my housemate's stereo.
Clearly Claris has been hard at work in my house.
RTBS:And you're right, Claris has been awfully quiet. We should worry. Unless she's just sooo mad she's had an apoplexy,
and then we're safe! "I hope it's a funny aneurysm."
- Cosmic Bob
*sigh* it's no longer Blame Claris day. My fun is at an end.
RTBS, Cosmic Bob Supposedly Claris was at Snap. But I have my suspicions. How long d'you think it would take a Kia to get
from LA to Iowa? Cause I've already been punished.
- DarkLady
DarkLady -- Every day is Blame Claris Day. I don't think RTBS is worried about Claris driving back to Iowa. He'd just
hide in one of the endless fields filled with hay and cows. Eventually she'd tire of the search.
- Narrator
Narrator it's corn and cows, not hay and cows, in Iowa. And boy howdy do you not know Claris. The woman is a ninja
for crying out loud! She's an evil dictator in training! She has minions! No place is safe.
- DarkLady
Hee. DarkLady, I know precisely where Claris is right now. Even better, I know why she is so quiet. Be afraid. Be very afraid.
But, for all and sundry, a sweet friendly message from our darling Claris, little dictator in training:
"Don't worry guys. I'm a-working on it."
- Anya
Oh crap. Anya is posting. It's the Camp version of "Fear Factor."
- Narrator
Narrator: As I said to Claris, what is the WORST she can do to me? Quote me to death? So, I laugh in the face
of danger, and goad the universe to slap me upside the head by provoking her.
Hmm...yeah. That's the ticket.
- Anya
Anya -- Well, is the word "quote" some sort of code for those little sharp star thingys that ninjas throw?
DarkLady -- So there's no hay in Iowa? Is that like there's no rain in California?
I amuse myself.
- Narrator
Narrator: I'm sorry. That's confidential information and if I told you I'd be required to kill you. This
neither confirms or denies your theory. However, there may be sewing pins involved.
- Anya
Life is full of possibilities. Did you know that? It really is. I mean, hell, it's possible that I've actually been
here the entire time. It's possible that I've read and recorded this whole thing to be used against each of you at a
later date.
It's possible that I have a map to RTBS' house that he himself drew for me many moons ago.
It's possible that I know where Narrator works.
It's possible that I already began my revenge on DarkLady while waiting for the light at Melrose to change last night,
and am currently pondering looking up the words to "Some Day my Prince Will Come" because I have weekend minutes after
8 pm tomorrow night.
It's possible that I'm pondering staying up all night tonight in order to accomplish certain tasks that I would
not otherwise have time to do.
It's also possible that Anya & I are combining forces and the gods themselves tremble in fear at the thought.
It's possible that I've had a busy and productive morning.
Just a little something to remember as you go about your day.
- Claris
~ August, 2003